Mining Engineering    
Mining Engineering Department Head

Dr. Amir Salimi

email: a.salimi[at]     

tel: 33054354

fax: 0

Existing of large mineral resources and reserves (625 Mt explored reserves) in both number of mines (339 active mines)/ exploration lands (38 lands) and diversity of minerals (80% of all existing minerals) are accounted as the most important capacities of mining industry in Zanjan province. This reveals the importance of investment and development in different parts of this basic industry such as economics, education and research. Following to its role, University of Zanjan established Mining Engineering Department in 2006 and accepted its first BSc students in the second semester of that academic year. Until now, this department follows education and research with 2 faculties in mineral exploration, 4 faculties in mining, and 2 faculties in rock mechanics.

Anguran Pb-Zn mine of Zanjan.


BSc program in mining engineering:

Education of mining engineering in Iran experienced different methods in BSc level: one comprehensive field, two fields (mineral exploration/ mineral extraction) and four fields (mineral exploration/ mineral extraction/ mineral processing and rock mechanics). Following to this background, this field is hold as one comprehensive field since 2019. The goal is to educate mining technicians in undergraduate level with specialties in mineral exploration, mineral extraction, mineral processing and mining related rock mechanics.

MSc programin mining engineering:

In graduate level, Mining Engineering Department accepted students in two fields of rock mechanics and mining in 2011 and 2020, respectively.

Short-term plan:

According to the short-term view of the Mining Engineering Department, by adding more faculties and equipping laboratories, other fields will be established in graduate level such as: mineral processing, mineral exploration and mining environment.

Long-term plan:

- Holding more Iranian conferences of green mining and mine industry.

- Publishing a mining engineering related scientific journal.

- Setting up a center for numerical computation, artificial intelligent and digital mining.

- Establishing PhD programs in mining engineering.

- Establishing new laboratories for rock physics, mechanized drilling, mining and so on.

- Setting up research institutes for small-scale mining, portable processing, digital rock physics, digital mining and machine learning in mining.

Communication with Mining Engineering

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